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Product information

Medical nNeedle

We manufacture and sell medical needles such as anesthesia needles and biopsy needles.

product image - spinal needle
product image - Epidural anesthesia needle
product image - Nerve block needle
product image - Combined Spinal-Epidural Needle
product image - Biopsy needle
product image - Chiba needle




Radiation related products

We manufacture and sell products with the theme of reducing the exposure of medical professionals.

product image - Radiation protection glasses Dr.B-Go
product image - Patient chair for X-ray photography El Dorado

Irrigation needle

Needle that can reliably perform the iNP method developed by a specialist.


Radiation related products

We manufacture and sell products with the theme of reducing the exposure of medical professionals.

product image - Radiation protection glasses Dr.B-Go

Infection control products

Focusing on nosocomial infections, which have become a major social problem such as pneumonia and HIV, we provide excellent products to prevent nosocomial infections in the medical field.

product image - Disposable Gloves
product image - Washing soap
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