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privacy policy

We value your privacy and believe that accurate and confidential handling of personal information is an important responsibility.

As well as strictly observing all relevant legislation, therefore, we have established the following privacy policy to help ensure that your personal information is properly managed

Tomoaki Kinoshita


Dr. Japan Co., Ltd.

Collection and Use of Personal Information

In this Privacy Policy, “personal information” refers to names, addresses, telephone numbers, e-mail addresses, and other personally identifiable information.
When we collect personal information, we will clearly state the purpose for which it is being collected and use it solely for that purpose. We use personal information for the following purposes:

・To provide services
・To issue invoices and request transfer of funds into our account
・To provide information on our services
・For marketing analysis

Management and Protection of Personal Information

Personal information is properly managed and steps taken to prevent it from being divulged to third parties.
Proper and reasonable security measures are taken to prevent illegal access from outside the company, as well as the loss, destruction, falsification, or other misuse of such information.


Provision of Personal Information

We do not divulge or provide personal information to third parties other than affiliated companies or outsourcing partners without the consent of the person involved.
e may provide personal information to affiliates to enable more efficient introduction of products and services, or to companies that have been commissioned to perform work relating to services provided by us.
We enter confidentiality agreements regarding personal information with such companies in advance and supervise the use of personal information as needed.


Disclosure and Correction of Personal Information

We maintain personal information as accurately and in as up-to-date a condition as possible. If requested by you, we will add to, change, correct, delete, or cease disclosure or provision to third parties of information registered by you with us, except where a special procedure has been established by law. At such time, we will seek your confirmation following our prescribed procedure.


Handling of Consignment Data Containing Personal Information

When handling data containing personal information retained by the customer for maintenance of our products,etc., for the Protection of Personal Information Retained by Independent Administrative Institutions and other relevant legislation.


Use of cookies

Cookies are files that are temporarily stored on the site visitor's computer sothat the website provider can identify the browser of the site visitor (hereinafterreferred to as "site visitor"). By storing cookies, you will be able to record sitebrowsing information, etc. from the site visitor's computer on the server of thecookie issuer.

On this site, we use cookies or similar technologies to obtain information.This information includes websites browsed by site visitors, search keywords,history of browsed advertisements and their clicks, browse time, type ofbrowser used, IP address, and corporate information within the range that canbe determined from the IP address. Information (hereinafter referred to as"browsing history"). While, this information does not include personallyidentifiable information such as "name," "telephone number," "e-mail address,"and "date of birth," and the privacy of site visitors will not be violated.


We use the information about the browsing history of site visitors collected bycookies for the following purposes.

・To improve the convenience of site visitors
・To display the most appropriate advertisement on the site of the Company or a third party with which the Company cooperates based on the usage onthe site
・To investigate the number of users and traffic of our site
・To improve our service
・To solve technical problems of our service
・To propose and provide products and services to our customers

If a complaint is received regarding our management of personal information, we will investigate the facts of the situation and respond swiftly and in good faith.

Chief Privacy Officer: General Affairs and Accounting Department, Dr. Japan Co., Ltd.
Inquiries: TEL: 03-3513-8766 

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